
This Too Shall Pass, Because This Too Shall Last

This Too Shall Pass, Because This Too Shall Last

Over the weekend I had the honor of representing Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt Divinity School in the ordination of my newest colleague. As part of her ordination, she invited women clergy who had been a part of her journey to write a letter of encouragement...

The Long Work of Blooming

The Long Work of Blooming

Our family garden spanned the whole north side of our home nestled in a wooded acre of red clay land. My mom would wake my brother and I early in the morning in the heat of summer to go out a weed before the day grew hot and sticky, a rhythm she had adopted from her...

Book Review: My Wonder Line by Vicki Gooden

Book Review: My Wonder Line by Vicki Gooden

  When my daughter came home from open heart surgery the first time she was quiet and reserved, eager to re-establish her three and a half year old kingdom of stuffed animals, dance parties in dress up clothes and coloring family portraits made of rainbow colored...

As Featured On: Dying to Know

As Featured On: Dying to Know

A few weeks ago I sent my family off on an adventure and logged onto Zoom in the quiet to sit and talk with the Rev. Annie Grogan. Annie and I were introduced through a mutual friend and fellow minister years ago, but our ministry paths didn’t cross until recently...

2021 Summer Reading List

2021 Summer Reading List

I am a notorious mood reader, wandering from one read to the next with little plan. This practice is as much about following my whims and curiosity as it is a small rebellion against all the years of assigned academic reading on strict coursework deadlines. All of...

Spring 2021 Reading Recap

Spring 2021 Reading Recap

I thought about not sharing this list because it is quite short and could just as easily roll into the summer list. But then I realized that part of what helps encourage others to pick up reading is being transparent about how I read. That includes transparency when I...

Five Easy Ways to Use Picture Books to Teach Faith

Five Easy Ways to Use Picture Books to Teach Faith

As a parent, I find that incorporating faith on the fly in everyday moments, seems to have a different kind of impact on kid's ability to engage the world. It’s why I find books such an important tool for parenting and faith. A few minutes carved out at bedtime or in...

A Year of Living

A Year of Living

We watched our two kids climb the steps of the play structure up to the platform where they could choose to slide or cross the structure and keep climbing. Calling out each other’s names and imaginary scenarios with delight as the late spring sun shone on their messy...

Let’s Start Something New

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