I always find it interesting what reflections resonate with readers and what ones flop. Often reflections I write and adore, fall flat with readers and reflections I am slightly underwhelmed by really resonate. In preaching this is understood as Spirit work–closing the gap between the crafter and hearer of the word. I thought it might be fun to round up some of both my and readers favorite posts from 2020.


Grief Brain and Holy Week

Grief Brain and Holy Week was originally featured in my newsletter, but was shared so widely and quickly I shared it on my blog as well. It seemed to capture well the intersection on pandemic living and Holy Week, the intersection between grief and hope. I also shared a bit of my own journey with grief that doesn’t sit well in clear categories.


Worship Boxes for Digital Children’s Worship

As we shifted from the crisis management of the spring pandemic response into thinking about long term sustainability for virtual ministry, I shared my Worship Boxes for Digital Children’s Worship. They were the product of a summer interim with a fun and energetic group of kids and I love getting tagged in other churches versions as they create and share them online.


Honeybees, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hope

A meditation that originally was published in my newsletter, I shared it on the blog after so many readers passed it along to friends and shared it on social media. Honeybees, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hope seemed to resonate with where we were this summer and even where we are now–caught between what is and what could be, hope and despair.


2020 Best Christmas Books for Kids

A perpetual favorite with readers is my annual round up and review of the year’s best books for Advent and Christmas. 2020 Best Christmas Books for Kids reviews the newest releases as well as the books that have staying power in our Christmas and Advent family library. You can also check out my 25 Childrens Books for Advent and Christmas.


How to Start a Book Advent Calendar on a Budget

Over the years sharing my favorite Advent and Christmas books with readers and sharing how we use books as part of our family tradition I’ve answered lots of questions about how to start an Advent Calendar with books on a budget. So this year I shared How to Start a Book Advent Calendar on a Budget.

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