
Certificate in Spiritual Direction

Certificate in Spiritual Direction

Earlier this month I completed a certificate in spiritual direction from Southern Methodist University. On a quiet and cool Saturday afternoon, I gathered with my classmates, instructors and mentors along with my family to complete a three (plus) year process. I began...

This is Not God’s Dream for Us

This is Not God’s Dream for Us

In spiritual direction we say that what is beyond words is holy--silence, stillness, tears, laughter. It in the space beyond words where we encounter that which cannot be named. The mass shooting that took place in Allen, Texas on Saturday happened at the mall where I...

Favorite Reads of 2022

Favorite Reads of 2022

The past year was a different year for me–I went back to work full time, in house with a ministry partner. My kids are growing older and require different skills from me as a parent. We planted a successful garden this summer. In the midst of our ever-changing days...

Four Things I am Listening to Lately

Four Things I am Listening to Lately

Lately I have listened to several different but loosely related (in my mind) pieces that are helping me understand the world and hence my ministry a little better. So in the spirit of thinking and learning and growing on the internet, I thought I would share them. ...

Four Picture Books for Back to School

Four Picture Books for Back to School

It’s the time of year when first day of school photos start to populate my social media feed and at our own house we are checking to see if the tennis shoes still fit and carefully selecting the pre-sharpened pencils from the school supply aisle. Back to school holds...

Two Books for Clergy Burnout

Two Books for Clergy Burnout

When I read fiction I am often searching for stories that articulate the nuances of what it means to live with faith and doubt. Often fiction can reveal with far more clarity than other genres, what it means to wrestle with how we shape a life. A few weeks ago I...

Book Review: God’s Holy Darkness

Book Review: God’s Holy Darkness

“Darkness and blackness and night are too often compared to lightness and whiteness and day and found deficient, but let us name the beauty and goodness and holiness of darkness and blackness and night.” The opening lines of God’s Holy Darkness sets the tone for the...

Winter 2022 Reading Recap

Winter 2022 Reading Recap

As the days get warmer and the evenings longer, its time to reflect on what I read during the winter months. This winter I found myself reading in spurts. Three or four books a week followed by weeks reading nothing at all. One of my very favorite times to read is the...

As Featured On: Two On One

As Featured On: Two On One

I had the delightful opportunity to be a fourth time guest on the pop culture and theology podcast Two On One. Two on One is a weekly streamed talk show and podcast where Two (Revs. Arthur Stewart and Stephanie Kendell) interview One about the pop culture thing of...

Let’s Start Something New

2 + 7 =

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