
Book Review: Faithful Families for Advent and Christmas

Book Review: Faithful Families for Advent and Christmas

Every time a colleague in ministry wants to bemoan the challenge of a pandemic Advent and Christmas and their waning creative energy I counter with “but you don’t have to come up with this on your own! There’s this great new book called Faithful Families for Advent...

A Year of Which We Can Be Proud

A Year of Which We Can Be Proud

I have a dear friend that when describing her marriage says, “we’ve been married 25 years, most of which we are proud of.” As someone who has now clocked well over a decade of marriage I chuckle at her description because it’s true. There are moments we have done it...

Book Review: The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

Book Review: The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

When I saw in late 2019 that Sue Monk Kidd was scheduled to release a book about the forgotten wife of Jesus, I internally groaned. There are so many ways that a book like this could go wrong. The shear number of historical, theological and interpretive choices leaves...

Spiced Cider Tea: A Recipe and Prayer for Fall

Spiced Cider Tea: A Recipe and Prayer for Fall

I have the most delightful and easy to make Spiced Cider Tea I shared in my newsletter last year and got so many lovely emails from readers saying they enjoyed it, that I thought I would share it on the blog. I thought a hot mug of this drink might pair well with a...

Honeybees, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hope

Honeybees, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hope

“Did you know that a single bee working all its life will only make one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey?” said Mr. Singh.  “One twelfth of a teaspoon? That’s like...nothing.” Mercy thought there was something a bit depressing about that; just the teenist tip of a...

Summer 2020 Reading Recap

Summer 2020 Reading Recap

Summer is coming to a close so it’s time for another seasonal reading recap. My summer reading was sporadic and not as focused as I wanted. I am at peace with chalking that up to Covid brain. In the summer I tend to gravitate toward lighter reads, moving to more...

Three Policies Your Church Needs Now

Three Policies Your Church Needs Now

Church policies often become dated over time, having been developed at a moment when a staff grew to a size where one was needed, an issue arose that demanded clearer boundaries between employees and staff or there was a large enough cultural shift that the church...

Prayer Dice for Digital Worship

Prayer Dice for Digital Worship

Last week I shared the Worship Boxes I had built for children to engage in multi-sensory teaching over digital platforms. I wanted to create something that could engage children through out the liturgy we use for our thirty minute worship and lesson. It needed to be...

When I Listen to Scripture I Can Wonder and Draw Sample

When I Listen to Scripture I Can Wonder and Draw Sample

I received so many inquiries on the post on Worship Box for multi sensory learning over digital platforms that I thought I would share what I created. The goal was to provide open ended prompts for the students to engage scripture using their white boards or a piece...

Let’s Start Something New

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