
What is Money For?

What is Money For?

I was sitting across the table from a church leader as he outlined why the congregation I was consulting with couldn’t continue it’s brief path towards transformation. “You see,” he said “I am a fiscal conservative and as our expenses stay the same but our income...

Resources for a Thoughtful Black History Month

Resources for a Thoughtful Black History Month

For several years I have been on my own journey of growth when it comes to race, racism and thinking through the systems of power that we are born into that privilege some while placing at disadvantage others. I started with a year-long commitment to read only authors...

A Book of Uncommon Prayer

A Book of Uncommon Prayer

I first shared these reflections as a guest editor over on Stuff You'll Probably Like but thought you might like to read them here... Psalm 138:1-8 I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise I bow down toward your holy temple...

Untethered, But Anchored

Untethered, But Anchored

This piece first appeared at Young Clergy Women International, for whom I am grateful for giving it its first home. A year and a half ago, I left my full-time congregational ministry setting to take an intentional year off from full-time congregational ministry. I had...

Gratitude Note: Mary Oliver

Gratitude Note: Mary Oliver

I first read Mary Oliver at nineteen years old. Until that point my knowledge and exposure to poetry consisted of the terribly unimaginive units we were taught in high school English class. There was no joy in these classes, no sense of discovery. However my second...

5 Books for a Thoughtful Advent with Children

5 Books for a Thoughtful Advent with Children

As a mother and Christian educator I am always looking for resources and books to teach children about faith with theological integrity and engaging narrative. Advent is a season where children are getting lots of messages from Santa to Elf on the Shelf to the manger,...

I Asked for Wonder

I Asked for Wonder

“I did not ask for success; I asked for wonder. And You gave it to me.” -Abraham Joshua Heschel My whole life I have struggled needing to be in control. The lighter way of describing this is to say that I am a planner. I like to know what’s happening. I think we all...

Current Reads: November 2018

Current Reads: November 2018

For me, reading and ministry go hand in hand. I read fiction to feed the creative beast that is always hungry and always demanding more so that my preaching continues to be relevant and engaging. I read poetry to ground myself in the wonder and beauty of ordinary...

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