
Summer Reading Recap 2019

Summer Reading Recap 2019

It seems strange in Texas to do a summer reading recap when it's still hot as an over outside but this weekend is Labor Day, college football has started and everyone is back in school so it's time to take a look back. Summer and winter are when I consume the most...

Fighting Fear with Connection

Fighting Fear with Connection

Blessed are the poor in spirit,     for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn,     for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,     for they will be...

Book Release: Prepare An Advent Devotional

Book Release: Prepare An Advent Devotional

There are roughly fifteen weeks until the start of Advent, the season that leads to the celebration of Christmas in the Christian liturgical calendar. It may seem incredibly early to be thinking about Christmas and Advent, but many pastors and church leaders begin...

Books to Help Children with Grief and Emotional Intelligence

Books to Help Children with Grief and Emotional Intelligence

I am not a “prepared mom”. If you are looking for the mom that keeps a sewing kit tucked in her purse for emergencies or the mom with a well planned summer activity schedule and playdates, I am not her. Heck, if you are looking for the mom that shows up on time and...

Finishing #the100dayproject

Finishing #the100dayproject

I was out with friends last weekend and we were all catching up. I mentioned to my friend who’s a painter and who introduced me to #the100dayproject that I had finished all 100 days. “Whaaaat?!” she replied, “that’s a huge deal, how come you haven’t talked about it...

Sea Shells and Love

Sea Shells and Love

This reflection was originally featured in my twice monthly newsletter but I wanted to share it here. My daughter’s preschool teacher was away for a week this past fall. She had left the children with great care and intention. Making a countdown calendar so they could...

To Have Without Holding

To Have Without Holding

I was away at a board retreat with one of the organizations with whom I work. I was sitting in the garden behind our meeting space during our designated time of silence, a time set aside after the work of the board has been presented to consider what God might be...

7 Books for Pride Month Reading

7 Books for Pride Month Reading

One of the reasons I read is to seek the perspective of people who are different than me--who see and experience the world in geographies, social location and experiences that are different from my own. I find that reading another's story strengthens your muscles for...

20 Childrens Books to Enrich Young Faith

20 Childrens Books to Enrich Young Faith

One of my favorite things about being a career long Christian educator and a mother of young children is searching for books that I can use to teach children, my own and others, about the rich nuance, depth and texture of the Christian faith and scriptures. In the...

Let’s Start Something New

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